
How Bipolar Disorder Is Treated

How Bipolar Disorder Is Treated


Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression, is a condition that can affect your mood, making it swing from one extreme to another. If you are suffering from bipolar disorder you will have episodes of depression during which you feel low and lethargic alternating with episodes of mania during which you feel high and overactive. Symptoms of bipolar disorder depend on which mood you experience at the time. Unlike mood swings, in bipolar disorder each mood can last for several weeks with some people not often experiencing a ‘normal’ or ordinary mood. According to Dr. R.K Suri best psychologist in delhi Bipolar Disorder Treatment requires patience as it takes time to get cured.


Here is guide for treatment of bipolar disorder which is given to patient. 


Know all the details about bipolar disoder 


  • Medication:

After diagnosis of bipolar disorder medicines are prescribed basically mood stabilizers as it helps in minimizing alternating high and low mood of patient which in turn helps in keeping symptoms under control.


  • Cognitive- Behavior Therapy:

In CBT, you examine how your thoughts affect your emotions. This therapy teaches you the art and craft of choosing your thoughts consciously, eliminating distracting or depleting feelings, identifying cues of negative thinking patterns, learning to use triggers to improve patterns of thinking.

  • Inter-Personal Treatment:

Relationships and social support takes the patient a long way in healing and overcoming a psychological issue. So, we focus on building cooperative and healthy relationship of the client with few important people of her/his life. The client is taught social skills, conflict resolution and assertive techniques.

  • Social Rhythm:

Basically known as daily routine it focuses on regulating daily habits like eating, sleeping, exercising, no alcohol or drugs usage and taking healthy diet. Scheduling daily activities helps in keeping bipolar disorder symptoms in control.

  • Psycho-Education And Family Therapy:

Here the whole family along with the client is educated about the disorder and its effects in daily life are explained in detail. Taking case studies of previous patients is an excellent way to build empathy for the client within the minds of the family members and friends. Family focused therapy addresses all issues within the family or marital life and focuses on restoring healthy and supportive home environment. Living with bipolar disorder is challenging but having strong support of family and friends is great motivation.

  • Relaxation:

Doing yoga, massage or spa is great way to relax and calm down. It is advisable to patients to go for such relaxation depending upon symptoms.


Treatment of bipolar disorder depends upon type of disorder which patient is suffering from. A proper diagnosis is done to identify type of disorder. According to the type of bipolar disorder in which you fall medicine and treatment is prescribed by doctor.


BIPOLAR I DISORDER involves periods of severe mood episodes from mania to depression.


BIPOLAR II DISORDER is a milder form of mood elevation, involving milder episodes of hypomania where one has elevated mood and more energy than usual but it’s not out of control.


CYCLOTHYMIC DISORDER is comprised of brief periods of depressive symptoms alternating with brief periods of hypomaniac symptoms.  


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