
Compassion Focused Therapy (Cft)

Compassion Focused Therapy (Cft)


What is compassion-focused therapy?

Many of us struggle with self-judgment and feelings of hopelessness. We all occasionally experience feelings like "I'm not good sufficiently" or "I'm a failure." These are not pleasant thoughts, and they make us feel self-conscious. Though we try our best, it is difficult to silence the critic. One method to expand our mental space is through compassion focused therapy. Compassion-focused therapy (CFT) is a type of therapy that aims to assist individuals who frequently feel shame and self-criticism. CFT was initially created for those who experience extreme levels of shame and self-criticism and find it challenging or even impossible to receive support, kindness, and compassion from others, including themselves. Other mental health conditions like anxiety and depression can frequently have these as their root causes. Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) has beneficial effects on people with a variety of mental health issues, is probably more effective than no psychological therapy, and is equally or possibly more impactful than other interventions. The purpose of CFT is to encourage you to develop greater compassion for both yourself and others in order to facilitate healing. Compassion Focused Therapy encourages people to have compassion for themselves and others, which aids in promoting wellness and healing. The CFT method's three emotion regulation systems—threat and self-protection, drive and excitement, and soothing and social safety—are its core components.TalktoAngel No1. Online Therapy Platform has the best online therapy consultation in India, offering Compassion Focused Therapy.

What issues is compassion-focused therapy able to address?

Patients who experience low self-esteem, and low emotions, or who lack confidence or independence in their daily lives will benefit most from compassion-focused therapy. Because of their low self-compassion, these clients frequently struggle during times of change, experience relationship problems, or are under stress at work. When they believe they have done something wrong, they may insult themselves or set unrealistically high standards for themselves, even when the task at hand might seem unimportant.

The following mental health conditions can benefit from compassion-focused therapy: anxiety, depression, PTSD, shame, self-criticism, anger, drug or alcohol addiction, chronic disease, or discomfort. Compassion is a key component of therapy for patients who want to learn how to take care of themselves.

What is the goal of Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)?

CFT aims to provide a welcoming, secure, and peaceful environment while also going to teach people the critical abilities needed to develop self-compassion and compassion for others. These abilities include empathy, nonjudgmental, distress tolerance, care, and sensitivity.

What is the benefit of CFT?

The CFT method's three emotion regulation systems—threat and self-protection, drive and excitement, and soothing and social safety—are its core component. To begin with, they have an impact on our feelings, actions, and thoughts. Second, our surroundings have an impact on how we use these systems. CFT aims to restore balance because the first two can occasionally become out of balance and harm our health. Another area that compassion focused therapy tries very hard to enhance seems to be the soothing and safety system, which is quite often completely ignored. Through the use of CFT, a person can develop feelings like compassion, which can change their thought processes. With the help of Compassion Focused Therapy, clients can learn to help relieve themselves, accept soothing from others, and create feelings of contentment and safety by replacing thoughts of hostility and insecurity toward themselves with compassion and understanding.

Exercises and Techniques used in CFT Treatment

Compassion Focused Therapy can be initiated during individual or group therapy sessions. Your therapist will teach you about the three systems while you are in therapy. They also teach you how to build a system for social safety and comfort. You also learn how to use this third system in your day-to-day activities. You can support yourself when dealing with negative emotions in this way. Here are a few techniques:

  • Appreciation-Based Exercises- You can enjoy what you enjoy doing by participating in exercises that emphasize appreciation.
  • Mindfulness- A nonjudgmental, impartial approach to being more present in the moment is taught to you through mindfulness.
  • Compassion-focused imagery - involves making up scenarios to activate the relaxation response and encourage compassion and empathy.
  • Relaxation Techniques- Learning breathing techniques and body scans are relaxation techniques.
  • Addressing self-attack - Examining the causes of shameful or self-critical thoughts and the reasons you might believe them will help you stop self-harm. You must also describe the feelings these thoughts arouse in you. It also involves learning how to alter unfavorable thought patterns.

The concept of compassion in the context of Compassion Focused Therapy refers to a specific mental state where people are driven to regulate their emotions through compassion and understanding. Psychotherapists or the Best Online Psychologist in India can assist people who experience too much shame and self-criticism in learning how to extend compassion to others as well as to themselves by using compassionate mind training. CFT helps to actively cultivate this kind of compassion. CFT can help bring about beneficial changes in cognition and behavior in this way.

If you would like to learn more about Compassionate Focused Therapy, and live mindfully, seeking consultation for emotional challenges with the Best Clinical Psychologists or Best Psychiatrists will help you to understand your emotions, thoughts,  and behavior and enable you to understand better your emotional trauma, depression, and anxiety, stress, and healthy behavioral skills. You can also meet in the clinic with the best clinical psychologists & parenting coaches at Psychowellness Center, a multi-location clinic at Janakpuri, Dwarka, VasantVihar, Gurgaon, NOIDA, Faridabad, and Delhi NCR.

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Contributed By:- Dr (Prof) R K Suri Clinical Psychologist & Life Coach & Ms. Swati Yadav, Psychologist