
Social Media Use and Depression

Social Media Use and Depression


How is depression described?

Depression symptoms can be mild, brief, and fleeting, or they can be severe, persistent, and have a substantial impact on an individual's quality of life. Typically, depression is categorized as mild, moderate, or severe. When an individual's symptoms have reached the prolonged end of the spectrum and called for medical attention, they are said to be experiencing clinical depression.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) defines two core categories of clinical depression, major depressive disorder (unipolar depression) and the depressed phase of bipolar disorder, despite the fact that depression can take many different forms and be categorized in a variety of ways. To learn more about social media use and depression, seek Online Counselling at TalktoAngel Asia's No. 1 Depression Counselling Platform.

How can depression develop?

The chance of depression can be increased by a variety of circumstances, including the following:

  • Abuse - Being abused physically, sexually, or emotionally can make you more susceptible to depression in the future.
  • Age - Depressive disorders are more common in older adults. Other factors, like residing alone and having no social support, can make this worse.
  • Some drug usage, including corticosteroids, interferon-alpha, and isotretinoin (used to treat cancer), can increase your chance of developing depression.
  • Conflict - Individuals who are physiologically predisposed to depression may experience depression as a result of personal issues or conflicts with friends or family.
  • Loss or death: Although common, sadness or grief following the passing of a loved one might increase the risk of depression.
  • Gender: Compared to men, women have around a twofold greater chance of developing depression. The reason why is not known. It's possible that the hormonal changes that women experience at various stages of their life will have an impact.
  • Genes: An increased risk may result from a family history of depression. Since depression is thought to be a complicated feature, many different genes, each having a small impact, are likely involved rather than a specific gene that increases the likelihood of developing the condition. Similar to all other psychiatric disorders, depression has a more complex genetic profile than conditions that are solely inherited, including Huntington's chorea or cystic fibrosis.
  • Significant events - Even happy occasions like starting a new job, graduating, or getting married might trigger sadness. A move, a job loss, a financial setback, a divorce, or retirement could all have an effect.
  • Other personal issues - Rejection from a social or familial group, social isolation brought on by other mental diseases, and social isolation, in general, can all increase the risk of developing severe depression.
  • Chronic Illnesses: Depression may develop alongside or as a result of a severe illness.
  • Drug abuse- Nearly 30% of substance abusers also have severe or clinical depression. Even if alcohol or drugs temporarily improve your mood, they will inevitably cause you to feel worse.

Does using social media make you depressed?

There is a startling lack of hard data on how social media networks affect us individually, including our habits, social connections, and mental health, despite social media networks' pervasiveness and their rapid integration into nearly every part of our lives. The information that is currently available isn't always favorable.

According to studies, teens and adolescents who use social media are more likely to have melancholy, anxiety, poor sleep, low self-esteem, attention deficit disorder, and hyperactivity.

These studies, however, are essentially observational or co-relational in design, which implies they do not demonstrate the causal relationship between the two.

One well-known argument against the claim that social media makes individuals more miserable and lonely is that people who are more depressed and lonely are far more inclined to use social media to connect with others. To reduce your social media consumption and manage your depression, one is advised to consult the top psychologist in India at TalktoAngel Asia Pacific No.1 Depression Counselling Platform.


Does depression affect how often people use social media?

According to a recent study, social media use is causally linked to detrimental effects on well-being, such as despair and loneliness. The Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology published the findings.

The study's co-author said, "What was found is that overall, if you use minimal social networks, you are essentially less unhappy and lonely, signaling that less social media usage is indeed beneficial and ends up causing that qualitative shift in your well-being.

Before everything that happened, all that could be concluded was that using social media could lead to the loss of important health outcomes.

The experimental group's social media use was limited to 30 minutes each day — 10 minutes on three separate sites — for three weeks (Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat).

The experts claim that this is the first time a causal correlation has been found in scientific studies.

The researchers looked at phone usage data, which showed how so much time had already been spent each day on each app, in order to sustain these experimental conditions.

But why on earth would you give the test group access to social media?

Refraining didn't seem to reflect the world we live in today, in our opinion. Social networking is, in many ways, present everywhere we turn, according to Young.

The results were clear: even though the subgroup that had utilized social networks less had not been completely eliminated, its outcomes in terms of mental health had improved.

At the beginning of the experiment, baseline readings were recorded for participants in six domains of well-being: support networks, fear of falling behind, loneliness, isolation, anxiety, depression, self-esteem, independence, and self-acceptance.

Individuals within the experimental group showed reductions in feelings of loneliness and depressive symptoms at the trial's conclusion, with the greatest benefits happening in those who had greater levels of depression.

It was found that regardless of where the individuals in the group started, their feelings of despair were lessened if they were forced to minimize their use of social media. The researchers credit this to users becoming considerably more conscious of their social media usage as a result of taking part in the trial, which they believe led to a drop in apprehension and fear of missing out on both groups.

If you consider that you or your near and dear are having challenges with the use of social media, you may consult Best Clinical Psychologist in India at the multiplication clinic Psychowellness Center at Dwarka, Janakpuri, Gurgaon, Vasant Vihar, Faridabad, and Delhi NCR.

Contributed By- Dr. (Prof) R.K. Suri & Ms. Varshini Nayyar