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An Overview

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD is a group of behavioral symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Common symptoms of ADHD are a short attention span or easy distraction, restlessness, constant fidgeting, and being impulsive. For any psychological disorder it is important to get detailed diagnosis and treatment. Meet best counselors in India at Psychowellness Center for ADHD counselling. Individuals suffering from ADHD might have additional problems such as difficulty in sleeping and anxiety disorders. Whilst ADHD is most often diagnosed in children, adults can also suffer from it. This condition is likely to affect your ability to concentrate, organization of tasks, ability to stay focused and work towards a long-term goal and emotional regulation.

How Therapy Works

Therapy helps the ADHD patients to have a better control of his behaviour and help the patient’s family to handle everyday issues confidently.

Behavioural therapy aim is to help an ADHD patient to change his behaviour through practical assistance and involvement in organizing the timetable so that the various daily tasks could be complete with least disruptions. Behaviour therapy also helps in teaching to control and manage unpleasant emotions.

Treatment for ADHD

If you think you might be suffering from ADHD, you could have a special assessment to verify the diagnosis. Currently available, treatments of ADHD can improve functioning by reducing symptoms. Treatment of ADHD includes medication and psychological therapy such as cognitive-behavioural therapy, stress reduction, and behavioural training.

Assessment and Diagnosis

Early diagnosis of ADHD can help in reducing disturbance in normal activities of the day and the family stress. Also, an early detection helps in learning to manage the symptoms better with years.


Studies have shown that the brain development of the kids with ADHD is delayed by two to three years which may explain why the ADHD kids act younger than their peers. ADHD runs in families which show that genetics is one of the factors that contributes into this condition. ADHD is found to be more common in males than females. Other conditions such as:

  • anxiety disorder
  • learning disabilities
  • conduct disorder
  • substance abuse
  • and depression

are common in people with ADHD.

Signs & Symptoms

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder which is characterised by inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsivity. It is important to know that children with ADHD are not to be mistaken for having low IQ as these children with ADHD can be as successful as non-ADHD children.


Children who are diagnosed with ADHD grow into adults with ADHD. ADHD does not go away but if treatment is given early then with the passage of time, the troublesome symptoms of inattention and impulsivity could be controlled and reduced.

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