
Forgiveness and Two Friends

Forgiveness and Two Friends


One time two friends were walking near the beach. They were chit chatting. After sometime they started a discussion that turned into a heated argument. And one friend slapped the other. The other friend remained quite and wrote in sand:


“Today my friend slapped me”


They kept walking without talking to each other. On their way they decided to take bath in river and jumped in it. The friend who got slapped was finding it difficult to swim in such cold water. He started drowning and the friend who slapped him helped him get out of the river.


This time the friend who got slapped earlier wrote on the:


“Today my friend saved my life”


The other friend asked out of surprise why you wrote on sand earlier and this time on rock. The friend replied;


When we get hurt by someone, we should write it in sand so that it gets eared by water or wind. And when someone do something good for us we should engrave it on stone so that it never gets erased.


Moral of the story is that we should always develop forgiving nature in our life. We should learn forgiveness or erase bad things by sand which never takes anything permanently. And we should learn to keep good things or good memories with us forever like rocks. Whatever is engraved on rocks it stays forever.


Learn to forgive people, erase bad memories and keep good memories engraved in life forever. This will help you in staying calm always.


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