
Psychological Effects Of Menopause

Psychological Effects Of Menopause


Menopause is an age-related aspect of a woman’s life. When a woman faces the menopausal phase, there is a decline in the hormone called estrogen. It gives more hot flashes to a woman and a woman may feel that she is in a constant state of PMS (premenstrual symptoms). These emotional changes are a normal part of menopause.


Menopause cannot give psychiatric symptoms but it can have psychological effects on the woman. Women are in fear of losing their reproductive ability. They also feel a loss of femininity in them. And because of this, they may have the symptoms of depression. Their past depression and anxiety may also reoccur.


Some common psychological symptoms which are faced by women in general, when they are going through the menopausal phase are:


  • Feeling of irritability

  • Feeling of sadness

  • There may be a lack of motivation

  • Feeling of anxiety

  • Feeling of depression

  • They may be aggressive

  • There is difficulty in concentration

  • A feeling of constant fatigue in them

  • There are mood swings

  • They are in constant tension


If you are having the mood swings and you are feeling irritable and sad, this may be because of the menopausal phase of menopause itself. But in some cases, this may also not be the case. Therefore you should go and consult a doctor so that a good diagnosis of your’s can be made. 


Coping With Emotional Changes Of Menopause:


The feeling of irritability and sadness is one of the most common symptoms of menopause but they can be coped up with some relaxation techniques and learning some ways to relax your mind and body. 


Some tips through which you can handle your emotions and feelings are:


  1. Daily exercising

  2. Eating a healthy and balanced diet

  3. Finding self-calming habits such as yoga and meditation

  4. Avoiding the use of alcohol

  5. Engaging yourself in something creative that can give you a sense of achievement

  6. Make friends

  7. Get in regular touch with your family and the community around you


It is said that depression is not always caused by menopause itself; it may be a result of some past or present situations also. When you are able to cope with this, try for a consultation with a psychologist, a counselor, or a clinical psychologist. They may help you and guide you on how you can be happy through these difficult times by providing either medication for your depression and anxiety or by providing therapy. 


Psychologists as mental health care providers play a major role in understanding biological, behavioral, and social factors that influence mental health and physical wellbeing. Dr. (Prof) R K Suri, Senior Clinical Psychologist at Psychowellness Center, is a trained professional clinical psychologist, having more than 36 years of experience in all kinds of mental health issues and related therapeutic interventions.



Furthermore, TalkToAngel online mental health services under him put your needs first. They can help you with flexible appointments, personalized and customized intervention plans all at the tip of your fingers.


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