
Depression Relapse: Seek Online Counselling

Depression Relapse: Seek Online Counselling


One of the most common mental health issues, depression impairs a person's daily functioning. If you've previously battled depression, you might be concerned about the possibility of relapse. Research has shown that while in-person therapy, Online Counselling, and medication-based treatments for depression are beneficial, roughly one-third of those who stop their treatment will relapse within a year.

Treatment can reduce the symptoms of depression, but unlike many other disorders, it doesn't always result in a "cure." The signs of depression can return. A relapse occurs when symptoms return after being depression-free for at least four months. Relapses like this are typical: According to one study, 50% of all depressed individuals who receive treatment will still experience at least one further episode.

Depression relapse

Depression usually occurs more than once in life. Recidivism or relapse or recurrence of depression is thus not a rare phenomenon.  It's very common for people to feel depressed or lose interest in commonplace activities. These emotions may result from a number of things, like being overworked or losing a loved one. However, if these emotions persist for more than two weeks and start to interfere with a person's ability to function at work or in social situations, they may be signs of depression. When it comes to depression, relapse is defined as the return of symptoms after remission—a period of normal functioning that lasts, on average, 16 to 20 weeks—has been reached.

Signs of a depression relapse

  • Moodiness Irritability
  • Loss of enjoyment or interest
  • Mental haze
  • Sleeping alters
  • Social isolation
  • feeling unworthy
  • Loss or increase in weight
  • Fatigue
  • Pain and aches
  • Suicidal ideas or behaviors

Causes of depression relapse

Even if you are seeking treatment or taking medication for your depression, relapses can occur at any time. It's the same with any other condition; once you've had it, you can be predisposed to it and more likely to have it again. Even if the treatment would normally have been effective, some people will occasionally experience relapses brought on by particular triggers. Potential catalysts include:

Failure to continue treatment after a depression episode, however, is the most typical reason for relapses. Even if they are not currently suffering from depression symptoms, most people gain from adhering to their treatment plan while taking in-person therapy or Online Counselling best clinical psychologists near me. This includes coping strategies for dealing with depression that was learned in treatment.

Treating a depression relapse

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT from Best Psychologist in India can assist you in identifying all of the ideas, convictions, and actions you have that support your depression. You can create plans to control these behaviors with the aid of your therapist.

Interpersoersonal therapy (IPT): In IPT, an online therapist in India will work with you to develop more beneficial connections with other people.

Your doctor or Online Psychiatrist  near me  may prescribe the following medications:

Tricyclics, which are no longer used as frequently due to the increased risk of side effects, are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, nor-epinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors, and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors.

Preventing depression relapse

  • Achievement with therapy: Completing the whole course of the recommended medicine can greatly lower the likelihood of relapse, particularly in the crucial first six months of treatment.
  • Therapies based on Mindfulness: Being mindful can assist a person in understanding any negative thought patterns and locating coping mechanisms. According to one study, three times per week of mindfulness practice can minimize depression relapse by up to 50% in a year. For more help, seek Online Counselling.
  • Teaching friends and family the warning indicators to look out for could aid in spotting an episode early.
  • Make a plan so that, if warning signs do occur, the person may act upon them right away in order to prepare for a relapse. This is a point at which, a doctor or a mental health professional can help you and your family.

Coping with depression relapse

You can manage your symptoms of depression relapse using a variety of coping mechanisms in addition to seeking professional assistance from a Top Psychologist in India. This might also help you avoid having another depression relapse in the future, or at the very least help you manage symptoms up until you can get expert assistance from Best Clinical Psychologist in India.

  • Make contact with your loved ones.
  • Self-care is advisable.
  • accentuate therapy
  • follow your medication plan
  • Concentrate on the positive.
  • Remind yourself that this is only temporary and that you can get over depression again because you did so the first time.
  • Try to be active; work out and leave the house.
  • Taking a good amount of rest each day

Preventing the Occurrence of More Episodes: Follow Maintenance Treatment

Getting regular check-ups of cars, AC and other equipment are essential, as is the regular check-up of a person having depression, patients have been treated for an acute bout of depression, and doctors sometimes put them on maintenance therapy, with an object to prevent another episode, in the high-risk patient. Talk to your psychiatrist about needing maintenance therapy. For maintenance or ongoing treatment, lasting a year or more, you need to continue to take medication as prescribed, with or without psychotherapy; however, it is always best to seek online cognitive behavior therapy. Ask how long you may need maintenance therapy.

In certain cases, patients do wait instead of maintaining therapy with antidepressants.  It is recommended to immediately consult the best psychiatrist in India if you find a reoccurrence of symptoms.

Contributed By:- Dr (Prof) R K Suri & Dr. Sakshi Kochhar