
How Does Sexual Fluidity Impact Our Lives

How Does Sexual Fluidity Impact Our Lives


What many communities have in common is the way they conceptualize sexual identity and belief that sexual identity is fixed in nature. Based on it, comes the phrases such as "born in this manner" or a "gay gene". On the other hand, when trying to establish a legitimate homosexuality via the biological process, sexual identity – often referred to as a characteristic or a trait that is not changing. The mainstream LGBTQ discussion adheres to a concept of identity development and formation which assumes an early recognition of the same gender's attraction, or a rapid transition process where attraction develops towards similar publicly-held identity, and remains stable over the course of an individual's life. Some people's sexual preferences and feelings may be permanent; however, this isn't the case for everyone.

Understanding Sexual Fluidity

If you're mostly attracted to those of a different sex you can identify yourself as heterosexual or straight. If you're most attracted by those of the same gender and gender, you could be classified as gay, lesbian or homosexual. However, psychologists are beginning to recognize the existence of many different aspects and types of sexuality that go beyond straight and gay. These categories are not only

  • Bisexual. A person who is attracted to both genders.

  • Pansexual. A person who is attracted to any individual with any gender identity.

  • Questioning. The person isn't sure what to classify their sexuality.

These categories are all built on the idea that one may desire others with diverse genders. However, the term "sexual fluidity" signifies sexuality that can change with the course of time and under different circumstances.The ability to be situationally flexible in one's sexual receptivity, known as sexual fluidity, enables people to undergo variations in their desire for either sex over both short- and long-term periods of time. The fact that there is a degree of sexual fluidity doesn't mean that all people are bisexual or that sexual orientation doesn't exist. Instead, it suggests that sexual orientation isn't able to necessarily predict every desire that an individual may experience throughout their lives. 

Sexual fluidity could refer to:

  • Shifts in attraction: Someone may be attracted to one gender at a moment but attracted to an entirely different gender or even more that one type of gender a later time.

  • Alters the identification labels: Someone may identify as gay or lesbian at one moment and then as bisexual at a later time.

  • Changes in sexual conduct: Someone may have an intimate partner at one point who is a transgender and then have a different lover at a different point that is not a nonbinary.

As an example, you could be straight, but you may develop an attraction towards people who are genderqueer. You might or might not respond to that attraction. You may even find that it changes the way you view your sexuality. The attraction could go off, and the event might remain an isolated experience within your sexuality. In any case you've experienced some degree in sexual fluidity.

Sexual Fluidity and Mental Health

Whatever the reason, sexual fluidity is a reality that is shared by a lot of people and doesn't necessarily imply any negative mental or emotional health effects for those who are affected by it. For many, sexual fluidity is simply one of the many ways that people experience their sexuality throughout their lives. But for certain individuals, the fluidity of their sexual orientation can lead to adverse mental health consequences in the form of anxiety, depression and stress as well as a decline in functioning and social interaction. Seek support from a professional Counselling psychologist or search for the Best psychologist delhi.

Many people identify as sexually fluid. However, because the term is relatively new and doesn't clearly define boundaries, it's difficult to discern. It's unclear what is the defining factor in sexual orientation for the individual. Sexuality is a complex combination of:

  • Biology

  • Psychology

  • Environmental issues


Sexual fluidity is the capability for someone's sexual identity or attraction to alter in time. It can occur multiple times over the course of your life, or just once. What we can do is, we can assist in normalizing sexual fluidity in a variety of ways. One is to make it clear that there are gender-related changes as part of sex-related education at schools as well as in the office of a doctor. We can also strive to respond to sexual changes with curiosity and openness instead of thinking of those changes negatively. Thirdly, we can shift past preconceived notions about sexual orientation as being stable, and instead expect a change in the sexual orientation of some individuals.

When people encounter the world and discover more about their own lives, the perspectives of their beliefs, feelings, and opinions could alter.  We all have the ability to hold space to accommodate this variety by getting rid of misunderstandings regarding the permanence of sexual orientation throughout an entire lifetime and being open towards the possibilities of changing of sexuality.

No matter where you're on the spectrum of sexuality the most important thing is the ability to be sincere and authentic to your emotions. Remember that you're not the only one. You can contact an experienced friend or family member to offer support; schedule appointments with your Therapists in delhi or Online counsellor or join an organisation for support to connect with others who have a sexual fluidity.

Additionally, you may schedule an appointment with the Best psychologist delhi and receive Mental health counseling at the Psychowellness Centre, which has many locations in Delhi NCR, NOIDA, Faridabad, Janakpuri, Dwarka, and Vasant Vihar.

Contribution: Dr (Prof) R K Suri, Clinical Psychologist, life coach & mentor TalktoAngel & Mr. Utkarsh Yadav, Psychologist.